Aaaam….coming up!

So you better get this party started!!!
And why would it be any different this time around you ask?! Well… yeah I know! I’ve been that elusive guy who never kept his promises! But then, love is blind! Or so I’d like to believe! 😉 But then more practically speaking, this time is a bit different because, I’ve finally managed to get a net connection at home! Not that its absence was the only reason for me not having to post.. mind you! But well, atleast something to cover me up. I’ll say! 🙂
A few updates from my end!
I am no more in Coimbatore! The journey has moved on to a new destination. I am now in Chennai!! Sigh… the nomadic existence just doesn’t seem to let go of me! And I have turned a new leaf! Mostly I used to blog in my corporate blog space, but then I’ve always loved the anonymity on the big WWW! So here i am back, with my rants, my happiness and my nothings! How many of my old crowd is still around, its tough to say. Maybe there shall be some new ones coming around too? Well thatz for time to show, but for now… I am back! And I shall be writing… 🙂


    • >>Jass<< on January 12, 2009 at 9:41 AM
    • Reply

    Oh yeah ? Are you sure ? The last time you posted was in april 😛

    • Praveen on January 12, 2009 at 12:21 PM
    • Reply

    LOL!! Well… what can I say?!! I guess the coming days will show if am going to be vindicted or tainted!! 😉

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