My brother’s weddin’!!!

Sooo… whatz keepin’ me busy these days! Well.. for one its the work.. and for another its my laziness… but the most important thing is.. MY TRIP TO INDIA!!!! (*cheers, applauses.. and fans shriekin’ and tearin’ their hairs out!!!*) Oh! yeah.. good ol’ nation.. and good ol’ people.. good ol’ brother now gettin’ married.. in the same good ol’ way! aaah! I can almost smell the whiff of the matrimonial air around me. Boy! am I excited?!! Ofcourse I am!! Now that hez gettin’ married.. guess whoz the best man 😉 !!! (* More cheers.. applauses.. and fans shriekin’ and faintin’*) Now.. now.. pipe down y’all. I ain’t gonna be free around to sign on all ur autographs.. or pose for pics with you!! But tell ya what! I’ll let ya all have a glimpse of me when y’all come to the weddin’ !!
Well.. am already excitedly planning my stay in bangalore.. the things am gonna do and the ppl. am gonna see! But then with hardly a fortnight’s stay out there.. am already beginning to wonder if they will work out! You know.. thatz the hardest part! There is just never enough time! And especially when you are with your people, the time is one thing that just doesn’t wanna root down its goddamn butt and stay put! Well.. while it wasn’t still sure whether I would come for the wedding or not, I was eager to lap up atleast a week’s time if available. And now that I got 2 weeks, somehow, everything seems still less! The only thing that seems to grow is the longing… for my mother’s delicious dishes, her laughter.. at my *come kick-me* silly jokes, my buddies, and our hangouts.. the same good ol’s…the same good ol’s!


    • Kishan on October 21, 2005 at 7:28 AM
    • Reply

    whatever plans! dude!But I want to see you in person!

    • Manjesh on October 27, 2005 at 5:35 PM
    • Reply

    saa… nan autograph pusatavanna nimma manege FEDEX moolaka ship maDteeni. biDuvaadaga sign maaDi kaLsi saa 😉

    • jayashree on November 2, 2005 at 5:46 AM
    • Reply

    welcome you behalf of all KA friends and fans in Karnataka.

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