Quotable Calvin n Hobbes!!

I can’t really conceive of any brained structure that would not love “Calvin n Hobbes” – So if any of ya so called “brained creatures” out there don’t like him.. STAY OUT!! 😀 . One thing is for sure, I am so hooked on C & H that I could practically spend days reading him and not care a damn for the world! I sometimes feel, he makes more sense than the thousands of us put together! Anyways.. herez a compilation of some of his quotes and conversations… boy.. do I love him.. or do I love him!!
  1. (To Moe after saying a highly complicated word) His train of thoughts is still boarding at the station. (LMAO)
  2. Everytime I’ve built character, I have regretted it!
  3. Your heart falls into your stomach & splashes your innards. This condensation shorts the circuits to your brains and you get all woozy. Your mouth disengages and you babble like cretin until she leaves. (Symptoms of Love!!!!)
  4. Get your rear in gear, will ya?
  5. If you can just get most people to ignore you and leave you alone, you’re doing good.
  6. I’m the end result of history. Think of it! Thousands of generations lived and died to produce my exact, scientific parents, whose reason for being, obviously, was to produce ME. All history upto this point has been has been spent preparing the world for my presence. Now I am here and history is vindicated. (Absolutely true!!!)
  7. Ho Ho! They tried to make me learn, but I was too tough for ’em! (he speaks so much for me!!!)

Well.. thank you Bill Watterson!


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    • Madhuri on September 16, 2005 at 6:46 PM
    • Reply

    Whoa….someone is certainly in C&H mood today!!!! Hey…am in the club too!!! Oh boy..Aint they so cute n adorable??! 🙂

    • Calvin on September 19, 2005 at 2:22 AM
    • Reply

    Explorers are we, intrepid and bold,
    Out in the wild, amongst wonders untold.
    Equipped with our wits, a map, and a snack,
    We’re searching for fun and we’re on the right track!

    • Prashanth M on September 20, 2005 at 12:41 PM
    • Reply

    CnH — me too love them…
    Its the job for Stupendous man…

    • Deya on December 9, 2008 at 6:01 AM
    • Reply

    U bet…..juz love them….Calvin is god mann….my fav calvin quote:

    Reality continues to ruin my life!!!!

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